- Pro Chem dye, any color to work with your disc's base color
- Floetrol to work as the medium
- Heat lamp for better color saturation
- Dye bed container

- Pro Chem dye, any color to work with your disc's base color
- Lotion medium for the dye to mix in and on top of the lotion bed
- Heat lamp for better color saturation
- Dye bed container

- Pro Chem dye, any color to work with your disc's base color
- Floetrol to work as the medium
- Heat lamp for better color saturation
- Acrylic oil to mix into the dye for the celluar look

- Pro Chem dye, any color to work with your disc's base color
- Clear glue for your medium to put your dye in
- Straw to use for moving the dye on the surface of the glue for patterns
- Heat lamp to help with color saturation